Overseas Student Protection

When preparing an overseas study life for your children, a comprehensive protection plan is also essential. The Chubb "Overseas Student Protection” helps to provide financial protection against ill-health and accident, but also against damage to property, personal liability and other unexpected losses during the study trip.

Chubb "Overseas Student Protection" features 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance services, medical expenses, return compassionate visit and coverage for every leisure travel trip during the study trip where no excess is applied.

Benefit Highlights

  • Provides 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service.
  • Up to HK$1,000,000 medical expenses cover for confinement or outpatient treatment.
  • Medical expenses extended to cover up to 3 months follow-up medical expenses upon return to Hong Kong.
  • Leisure activities covered during the journey including skiing, scuba diving, rafting, parachuting and all water sports.
  • Zero excess on all benefits.
  • Special “Trauma Counseling” cover.